Track Owners

As a track owner, you may have a few questions about our track database. We've put together a list to address some of the common questions that you may have. If you have additional questions or would like to find out more information, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you.

Why isn't my track listed?

There are a number of possible reasons that your track isn't listed. Some of the common reasons include:
  • We didn't know about it
  • We couldn't find enough information about your track (e.g., location, address, website, satellite imagery, etc)
  • Your course is an indoor or oval track (we'll be happy to add you though)
Please contact us and we'll be more than happy to add your track to the database.

How do I get my track added?

Please contact us and we'll be happy to assist you in getting your track added to the database.

There is inaccurate/incomplete information about my track

While we tried our best to populate the database as accurately as possible, we may have made a mistake or had inaccurate information. We're happy to make whatever corrections need to be made as long as we have a way of verifying the information provided to us.

Please contact us with the correct information and we'll get things squared away.

Why doesn't my track have satellite imagery?

When we added your track, we may not have been able to find it's geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) or we weren't able to find satellite imagery of the track on Google Maps or Mapquest. We're more than happy to get the satellite imagery added once we have accurate information and can locate it.

Please contact us with more details about the physical location of your track and we'll try and get your imagery information in the database.

How do I get my track's maps added to the database?

In populating the track database, because of large quantity of tracks, we didn't add maps of the track to the database.

If you're interested in having your tracks, please contact us and we'll be happy to give you instructions for submitting your various track maps and configurations to us for inclusion in the database.